October 23, 2020 2021-02-08 16:24FAQs
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How to Become an Instructor
Become an Instructor
Becoming an instructor on TutorKonect is a quick and easy process. You can start immediately by registering, filling out a few information fields, and await approval. We detail how registration works below:
Instantly Register with TutorKonect
If you are ready to leap to becoming a revolutionary educator, you can register with TutorKonect instantly. We will ask you to fill out a few fields about your background, experience, and skill - and then submit them to our support team. They will make sure that your profile fits in with our platform’s educational mantra.
We’ll Quickly Review Your Application and Approve It.
After you have spent a few minutes filling your application, our team will review and approve. You’ll then be able to begin creating your course - and before you know it – you’ll be a star instructor in the ambitious world of TutorKonect. We are available 24/7 should you find any issues with your application.
Instructor Rules
We wish to remain an essential resource in the educational repertoire. Our personnel encourages unique, knowledgeable, and rewarding courses. However, there are a few rules instructors must follow to maintain platform standards. If there are any questions or concerns about students, lessons, or expectations, please contact our support team.
Be The Best You Can Be.
TutorKonect consistently harnesses quality educators into our platform. We thrive on the opportunities that we not only provide for students - but for educators as well. The courses you create can show the world what excellent skill and expertise that you have. They can elevate you as a revered member of the community.
A Few Things To Remember
To maintain high-quality courses on TutorKonect, instructors must remember a few things when creating their content. Courses must be worth a few lessons, each with a minimum of 30 minutes audio or video - and must have supporting documentation. Educators must also schedule a time to be available for live student interactions. All of our courses follow review before publishing, and our support team is available to answer any queries.
Start with Courses
Outline Your Course
The first step to building the most featured digital course is planning. TutorKonect can provide insight into what students are looking to gain from your field of education. Once established, you can create a lesson plan that will engage students to the full extent of your knowledge. We’ll provide guides on how to best plan your course.
Create Your Content
The technological capabilities of our smartphones and computers allow instructors to create captivating content with minimal effort. TutorKonect facilitates resources that tutors can use to curate the most engaging support material for lessons. Nothing captures attention more than interactive and well-crafted content.
Go Live!
Once your plan is ready and your content is refined, it’s time to go live. Courses can be pre-recorded or delivered in real-time, with support access for question and answer sessions. We want our students to get the best out of their knowledge and experiences, providing interpersonal communication channels to gain the insight they seek.
We’re Here to Help.
Have any questions about becoming an instructor? Our educator support team is available around the clock to answer any queries or concerns. TutorKonect is always looking for skilled tutors to share their gainful experiences and create unique courses that set students in the right direction. Please get in touch with us now to learn more.
We're here to help
Our Instructor Support Team is here for you 24/7 to help you through your course creation needs. Use our Teaching Center, a resource center to help you through the process.This community group is always on, always there, and always helpful.